Friday, 30 January 2015

Why Plexiglass framing is more preferred over glass?

After purchasing the piece of art that you have been wanting for a long time or getting your family photo ready to showcase it in your living room, you are all happy about the art or the photograph and then comes a time when you have to make a decision of what type of framing to use whether to go for the Plexiglass or the Glass. Let me give you some tips about what Framing to choose and then you can decide for yourself.

Plexiglass was designed and created by German scientist Otto rohm also known as acrylic safety glass. Firstly it was used in airplane periscopes and windshields but during the coming years the use of Plexiglass expanded. One such important use of Plexiglass today is in the framing industry, glass which was originally used in framing is now getting substituted by the Plexiglass.

When thinking about Plexiglass the very first thing that flashes in our mind is the durability, meaning that Plexiglass lasts longer because of its unbreakable property,ideal for shipping purposes. What if you get your framed piece with the broken glass from the delivery company and all you will get for that is some compensation filling out for the glass and the canvas and above all the you will have an good piece of art damaged. Plexiglass will help to prevent this disaster. Safe to use it in the area of high activity like in the kids room it. Many museums are also switching to the Plexiglass because of the glass breaking problem.
One other property is that Plexiglass is lightweight as compared to the glass which makes it more easy to transport or ship the it. And hanging from the wall and moving the art here and there makes it an easy job.

And last but not the least Plexiglass is more optically pure than the glass. When using the glass the non expensive non grading glass will give an green tint, while an UV filter glass will have an yellow tint. In case of the Plexiglass these is built into material.
We will not say that Plexiglass is flawless and unbeatable even it has some Disadvantages some cons like : Acrylic is worse than Glass when it comes to the static charge. It is one of the biggest disadvantages or the drawbacks of the Plexiglass. The static charge attracts more dust as related to the glass and it can be one of the biggest problems when setting up the Art piece.

One such disadvantage is the pricing Plexiglass is more expensive than the Glass. Standard Plexiglass is more expensive than the standard glass. Plexiglass with UV protection and anti reflection is even more costlier. It has also been noted that Scratch resistance of Plexiglass is very low and it requires more care.

Taking into consideration the Pros ans Cons of Glass and Plexiglass, currently the it is more preferred than the glass due to the durability,lightweight and the pureness.

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